Fair Business Practices

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Fair Business Practices

According to the World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO), “Fair Trade is a global movement of consumers, producers, businesses, and certifiers who consider people and the planet first.”

NaturMed Scientific is dedicated to maintaining a strong relationship with our suppliers, encouraging the social and economic well-being of small farmers and producers, and abiding by ethical business practises. We maintain direct, long-term relationships with producers based on mutual respect, solidarity, and trust. Fair trade, we believe, is a viable method for reducing poverty and promoting sustainable development. Pre-payment requests are fulfilled wherever possible when dealing with long-term partners; providing pre-financing gives farmers continuous financial support throughout the growing season.

Discrimination based on race, caste, national origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status, or health condition is something we strive to eliminate. We honor communities’ cultural variety by fostering the development of farming practises and organizational structures based on indigenous traditions and skills to preserve those cultures and traditions.

Not just farmers and producers, we make sure that manufacturers, consumers, and every stakeholder involved in our supply chain follow and benefit from fair trade practises. While identifying new partnerships, our expert team screens them to ensure fair trade and also travels the world for regular inspections across the supply chain.

Implementing fair trade and business practises is something that is perfected over time. In this rapidly growing industry, we are highly focused on keeping tabs on what’s trending, constantly learning and overcoming new challenges, and building strategic relationships. As our offerings scale up, our commitment to our processes, supply chain, and the stringent regulations we follow stays put.

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